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We all want to be able to get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat.  However, everybody is individual, and the way that you respond to food is different to the way that I do.  That means that to meet our nutritional requirements, we need to eat differently.


This is where Metabolic Balance comes in.  Developed by a German Endocrinologist who had also studied nutrition, Dr Wolf Funfack, in collaboration with a graduate in nutritional engineering, Sylvia Burkle, Metabolic Balance matches a patient’s blood test results and symptoms with foods that will support their health, all based on extensive research.  


It does this by applying over 700 algorithms to each client’s profile to determine exactly which foods should be eaten to optimise nutrient status, restore homeostasis and promote healing.


Metabolic Balance is primarily known as a weight-loss programme, due to its celebrity status, with high profile clients such as Boy George and Kirsty Allsopp.  But each plan is formulated to support all aspects of health, so it will:


  •  help you lose excess weight healthily

  •  reboot your metabolism

  •  replenish your nutrients 

  •  regulate your hormone levels

  •  normalise blood glucose levels

  •  reduce any inflammation


This makes it extremely powerful and as a nutritional therapist, I just love that it creates plans that truly use food as medicine.  And it works;  for weight loss, thyroid conditions, digestive complaints, hormonal problems, inflammatory conditions, uncomfortable peri-menopause symptoms.   The list just goes on and on.


For this reason, I prefer to start any program with Metabolic Balance to define which foods are going to help my clients feel better and help them start to heal properly.  Once the foods have begun to do their job, I can then look to see if any supplements are truly required. 


This way, my clients can truly feel the healing power of an individualised diet engineered specifically for them, and then the power of any targeted supplements that are really needed.

Metabolic Balance: About
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based on 20+ years of research



Absolutely.  This is what MB is known for and has been used by numerous celebrities.  Even if you find it hard to lose weight and have tried many diets that haven't worked, MB changes your metabolism and enables weight loss to happen effectively.


Because it is personalised around your blood results, it is configured to rebalance your hormones, your metabolism and your energy levels.  Importantly, it also reduces inflammation, which improves pain and many other symptoms for most clients.



Not at all.  The foods are worked out to meet your all nutritional needs, so you will won't find yourself hungry at all.  In fact, you'll be surprised at just how satisfied you will feel.  You will soon notice stronger nails and hair, better skin and brighter eyes as your nutritional status improves.



It takes at least 12 weeks as it is working with natural processes in the body.  For example, it takes 12 weeks to replace all the blood in your body.  It also takes time to change dietary habits effectively.  Coaching takes you on a journey where you are supported and accountable.

How does Metabolic Balance work?

Metabolic Balance is a 4 stage programme, carried out over a minimum of 12 weeks.


Phase 1 is a two day cleanse to prepare the digestive system for optimal function.  It involves eating lots of vegetable and drinking plenty of water.


Phase 2 is the ‘strict’ period, where the individual plan is followed to the letter.  This is where the metabolism is reset, by removing unhealthy foods, reducing inflammation and promoting fat burning.  Clients begin to feel more energised, in less pain and excess weight starts to fall off.


Phase 3 loosens the diet somewhat, introduces treat meals and a wider variety of food.  This phase allows healthy habits to start to become part of life and it continues until all goals are reached.  


Phase 4 is the maintenance phase, which is for life.  Working with me as your coach, we will decide how to best implement the intelligence within Metabolic Balance into your life for long term health.  


Please email me to set up a discovery call to discuss whether or not a Metabolic Balance plan could work for you.









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